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Do you know your numbers?

Omega-3 and Vitamin D are the most common nutrient deficiencies at all ages and for all lifestyles.

A simple and easy-to-use test can determine if you're getting enough Omega-3 and Vitamin D in your diet to ensure optimal health.

The NutriDyn and OmegaQuant test kits are now available!

Vitamin D - Test


Omega-3 Index - Basic Test


Omega-3 Index - Plus Test


Why Are Omega-3 and Vitamin D So Important?

Optimal Omega-3 EPA and DHA levels are linked to heart health, immune function, brain function, eye health, and longevity. Vitamin D is critical for building and maintaining strong bones, supporting immune health, and supporting a healthy pregnancy.

What Do The Test Kits Measure?

The Omega-3 Index Basic Test Kit measures the amount of EPA and DHA in the blood.
The Omega-3 Index Plus Test Kit measures the fatty acid levels, Omega-3, Omega-6, and trans fat blood levels.
The Vitamin D test kit measures the amount of this important nutrient in your blood.

Need more Omega-3 in your diet?

Deficient in Vitamin D?